Anchor text vs hyperlink know the difference
The Internet is a web of content, but with the passage of time this web has expanded its reach to include social media, e-mail, YouTube, podcasts, and other digital platforms as well to provide users seamless access to a variety of content and applications.
And how these diverse platforms are connected together to form a web? It’s the Hyperlinks. Hyperlinks make it possible for visitors to traverse the web at ease, across platforms or within, to access relevant and information rich content.
From the users’ perspective this is definitely a very convenient method of acquiring information. While reading through an article you can link out to other websites or platforms to learn more about a critical word, term, event, etc., and come back to the main article. Therefore, links help make an article comprehensive and create a high level of user experience.
Google recognises the power of hyperlinks. On the Web, everything is about content and the links to find them.According to Google, links (read hyperlinks) and quality content are two of the three most important factors that boost ranking on the SERP.
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What is a Hyperlink?
While a link is an address or URL, which when written on the address bar redirects you to the corresponding webpage, a hyperlink is a tool that uses the same link or address or url but in a different, smart and user-friendly way. For example, https://www.fluidscapes.in/ is a link that takes you to Fluidscapes.in home page when you type it in the address bar. But if you want to visit the same site directly from within an article, you can do that by using the same link (https://www.fluidscapes.in/) in the article itself. In that case it’ll be called a hyperlink.
Hyperlinks are embedded in the article or at the trailing end of an article. You must have clicked on some of those blue colored links or words while reading a web article and switched to a different web page containing information you wanted.
Hyperlinks are the core concept behind the development of the World Wide Web that makes navigation between domains easy and smooth. Just like external linking, hyperlinks are also used for internal linking, connecting two web pages of the same site or even for toggling between two portions of a lengthy web page.
There are four types of Hyperlinks, used in the www. They are:
- Text hyperlinks that use words or phrases to switch visitors to another domain or page.
- Image hyperlinks that use an image to switch visitors to another page, file or document.
- Bookmark hyperlinks that use text or an image to switch visitors to another part of a web page.
- E-mail hyperlinks that allow visitors to send an e-mail message to the displayed e-mail address.
In a Text hyperlink, readers click on certain hyperlinked words or phrases and switch to a relevant page for more information. The words or phrases, highlighted in blue, actually represent a part of the hyperlink, which is called Anchor Text.
What is Anchor Text?
The Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in an html hyperlink.
For example, while creating an article if you want to give your reader more information about how digital marketing started in India, you may insert the phrase “history of digital marketing in India” and hyperlink the same. While the text “history of digital marketing in India” will be visible and clickable, actual hyperlink in the html will look like
In the above example, the anchor text in html code is the only part that is visible and clickable, which comes in between > and i.e. history of digital marketing in India. As a rule the anchor texts are underlined and colored in blue until it is not clicked and changed to purple once it is clicked.What are the different types of Anchor Text?
What are the different types of Anchor Text?
There are seven types of anchor texts, that include:
Exact Match
: Exact match anchor text technique is used when it is required to rank a webpage using a targeted keyword. For example, a digital marketing company such as Fluidscapes.in may use the keyword “SEO Marketing” as the exact match anchor text for higher ranking on the SERP.Partial Match
: Partial match anchor text technique is used when you combine your target keyword with other keywords. When optimizing for “SEO Marketing,” for example, use “organic traffic” as your anchor text.Phrase Match
: Phrase match anchor text technique involves employing the phrase you want to rank for alongside other keywords that are connected to it. “Small Business Growth Strategies Using SEO Marketing” is an example of this.Branded
: Branded anchor text simply includes your company’s name or brand name in the anchor tag, like “Fluidscapes SEO Platform,” for example.Naked
: A naked anchor text uses url as the anchor text. For example, a naked anchor text could be “www.fluidscapes.in” This is a less popular method of using anchor text because it appears clumsy in the middle of a paragraph.Generic
: Generic anchor texts are purpose driven call to action (CTA), often used in articles, messages.The examples are “Click here” or “learn more,” etc.Image
: An image anchor is like a CTA. You’ll use an image as an anchor. But you must include a description for your image in the html to let the search engine redirect the users properly when they click on that image.While hyperlinks are the basis for the very concept of world wide web, Anchor texts are the smart applications of hyperlinks that meet two objectives of a web page – user experience and SEO ranking.
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Source- Fluidscapes
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