7 tips to Improve your Blogs and Rank up in Search Engines
Blog posts are an all time popular information-sharing medium that continues to be an effective marketing tool. It can be a topic of debate if the Internet made the blogs popular, or the blogs made the Internet popular.
But this high popularity is resulting in thousands of blogs being created every day and making it difficult for you as a marketer to reap dividends from your blog. When a huge number of blogs are contending for a high position on the SERP, how can you stand out in the competition?
When everybody else is madly trying to grab the attention of the consumers, how can you become more visible, prove yourself different, and ensure a steady stream of organic traffic coming your way?
This guide will tell you what really matters when it comes to optimizing your blog content to help with your SEO strategy.
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Identify and understand your audience
Your blogpost is a marketing effort and the success in marketing depends on how well you recognise your potential customers and their needs. So you should do research to identify the demographic groups who will use your product or service and try to understand them as much as possible.
Creating buyers persona is an excellent way to target readers based on their attitude, aspiration, buying behavior, and other psychological criteria. If you don’t consider this insight, you may be producing grammatically correct and well written content but will fail to strike the right chord.
Choose the right topic
A topic is what makes a blog popular. Choosing the right topic is a very important step in your content development process for ranking and branding. You should select topics that are relevant and current. So, check out your website’s analytics to identify your top-ranking search phrases or keywords before you begin writing your content. Pick a topic based on the words and phrases that are popular.
Research and use the high ranking keywords
- Google Keyword Planner
- Google Trend
- Moz Keyword Explorer
- Semrush
- Getkeywords
- RankIQ
- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
- Keyword Tool
- Ubersuggest
- LSIkeywords.com
- QuestionDB
- Keyword Surfer
With the right SEO keyword research tools, you can simplify and streamline your SEO process. This makes it easier to find the right keywords to target and gives you the information you need to rank for them. Lack of proper keywords in your blog can complicate your search and slow you down.
Adorn your blog with visuals
Google and other search engines too for that matter, place a high importance on visuals to depict certain keywords. Images and videos are the most prevalent visual elements on a search engine result page. Designing imaginative graphics, employing original photographs and videos, and providing relevant alt text to every visual element within your blog post will help you if you want to get a coveted spot in an image pack or a video snippet.
Alt text (Alternative Text) is a crucial aspect for higher SEO ranking because it’s a short description of an image that helps visually impaired or blind people to understand them when accessed through the screen readers.
Currently, images appear in almost 38% of Google’s SERPs, and this number is expected to grow. This means that apart from other SEO techniques, your seo ranking and chances of gaining organic traffic can still be improved by adding images or videos and alt text them to connect even the visually impaired readers.
Get a catchy title
The title of your blog post is like the name of a book, which provides an instant glimpse into the subject matter and generates a strong interest in the readers. Titles are the first thing a reader sees when they scroll down a list of blogs and drive their decision whether to click or ignore. To stimulate the reader’s interest, a snappy title uses statistics, poses a query, or begins with a question.
A catchy title is a proportionate mix of power, emotion, and words that stimulates the readers’ interest and fastens them to the page.
Include a CTA
A CTA is a call to action, which is an urge to the readers to follow a logical step forward that may be a visit to your website for more information, a call or a mail to a sales person, place an order for an item discussed in the blog, etc,
A good CTA is connected to the theme of your existing blog article and flows easily with the rest of the material. You’ll need an intriguing CTA on every blog post you write, whether you’re selling a product, promoting a newsletter subscription, or wanting the reader to consume more of your material.
CTAs come in a variety of formats that include buttons, URLs, and widgets, all of which have different purposes. If you want the reader to make a purchase, for example, you should provide a bold, conspicuous button for the CTA. And if you want to simply persuade a reader to read another blog post, include a link to it at the end of the current one.
Try to earn more backlinks
A backlink is a hyperlink that is used by other websites when they refer to your blog or article for more information on a given topic. In other words this is an incoming or inbound link that redirects readers to your web page and is considered an honor especially if the referring websites happen to be a leading and authority site.
The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher your website’s Google rating will be, because backlinks are basically like a vote or an endorsement from another website. Each vote makes search engines recognise your content as credible, valuable, and relevant.
ORM, Virtual Financial Services, ATL/BTL Marketing, Project Management, Brand Management, SEO, Web & App Development and much more.
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Source- Fluidscapes
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